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Discover the Benefits of Crypto Trading with TradeMutual
TradeMutual simplifies crypto trading -
deposit stablecoins on our platform and let our experts trade bluechip crypto on your behalf and generate profits.

Profit from Crypto Trading in any market condition

Earn profits without trading yourself

Strong tokenomics for sustainable growth

Exclusive benefits for Investors Club members

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Launching our first early stage investment Fund SOON!!

Early stage fund will invest in promising crypto projects early in the seed round, private sale, and IDO stages. Investing in projects in early stage can be very profitable and it will allow retail investors to earn high returns.

How it works

Investors deposit stablecoins (USDT/USDC) on TradeMutual
TradeMutual's experts invests pooled funds in early stage projects
Users can redeem their share of profits based on their investment amount and duration

$TRAM Token Utility

$TRAM is the ERC20 utility token of TradeMutual platform and it has a maximum supply of 11 million tokens. Following token utilities promote the growth of the platform and a sustainable TRAM price appreciation
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Profit Sharing

Individuals locking $TRAM tokens will receive a 15% share of the profits, proportional to the quantity they have locked.
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Investor Club Access

Investors locking 5K TRAM or more get access to exclusive invite only investor club
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Community Rewards

Active participation in comunity events
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Liquidity Provider Rewards

Liquidity providers earn reward in TRAM tokens.
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TRAM holders vote on DAO proposals for decentralized governance
FrequentlyAsked Questions

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